Westward Holdings Professional Advisors Tokyo Japan’s Financial Plan
Westward Holdings holistic strategy to develop your personal financial plan.
A complete financial planning involves, first of all, assessment of every area of your specific personal financial situation and the necessary creation of a strategy to attain your projected goals.
With Westward Holdings' application of comprehensive and professional methods, you can consolidate your financial objectives with your highest goals in life and increasing the opportunity to attain them.
Our well-rounded strategy normally considers the following financial aspects: investment evaluation, cash-flow investigation, tax position, risk measurement, retirement planning, educational-cost planning and legacy preparation.
This fresh confidence to develop a sound foundation will will you make to to make a full appreciation of your status, you will obtain a full appreciation of your situation. Calculated moves and well-researched investment decisions.
Westward Holdings utilizes a Six-Step Method:
1. Introduction
The client-adviser relationship is defined (Including our mutual expectations).
2. Discovery
Relevant client information is gathered.
3. Clarity
An objective evaluation of your financial condition and your goals is undertaken.
4. Ideas
We collaborate on the creation and derivation of solutions and / or options.
5. Implementation
We apply the solutions into the investment process.
6. Review & Update
Manage and update solutions if necessary (Westward Holdings meticulously checks the fine points of your financial circumstances).